STEMmersion Externship Program

The Surry County Schools STEMmersion Externship Program is sponsored by the Surry County Schools Educational Foundation. The STEMmersion Externship Program provides teachers in Surry County Schools the opportunity to spend time in local businesses learning how Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts are applied in real-world situations.  Teachers then take what they have learned back to the classroom and incorporate this knowledge into lesson plans.

Business Partners for the 2024 STEMmersion Externship Program included:

-Dobson KinderCare
-Hampton Inn Mount Airy
-Northern Regional Hospital
-Surry Arts Council
-Mount Airy Surry County Airport
-Surry County Government Finance Office
-Surry County Office of Substance Abuse Recovery
-Surry County Schools Transportation Department
-The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce
-Xtreme! Marketing   

Mrs. Anya Tilley-Martin, Exceptional Children’s Teacher at Surry Central High School, participated in the program by visiting the Mount Airy/Surry County Airport for two days.  She learned about, and participated in, different jobs at the airport, saying, “…most students think there are only a couple of jobs at a small airport-pilot and mechanic, but this is not the case.” Mrs. Tilley-Martin said that she is “excited to be able to work with my students that are interested in a career in aviation but maybe aren’t able to be on the pilot path.”

 Mr. Bryson Key, Careers and Technical Education Teacher at Surry Central High School, visited the Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce and Mount Airy Visitor’s Center for two days this summer. While there, Mr. Key experienced a Business After Hours event, took a ride on the Good Time Trolley, and helped visitors at the Visitors Center.  “I was amazed at how far people had traveled to come see Mayberry,” Key said.  “There was a crowd in and out of the center the entire time I was present.”  Mr. Key currently teaches Culinary Arts at Surry Central High, and since he had a lot of visitors ask about best places to eat in the area, he said, “I feel students need to know how big the restaurant industry is impacted by Mayberry and Pilot Mountain tourism, and what a rewarding career can be had with Culinary Arts, Hospitality, and Tourism.”

Funding for fifteen teachers to participate in the STEMmersion Externship Program in 2024 was $3,875 and included teacher pay and benefits.

The Surry County Schools Educational Foundation proudly supports funding of this program.  The Surry County Schools Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization created by a group of local business and community leaders who are passionate about the education and the future of Surry County.  The Board of Directors is committed to providing enhanced learning opportunities for students that will position them to be ready to compete in a global market.  For more information, contact Ashley H. Mills, Foundation Liaison, (336) 386-8211,                          

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