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Marty Behrens
Health and Nutrition and Physical Education
Surry Central High School
(336) 386-8842
Paula Brinkley
CTE Curriculum & Instructional Management Coordinator
Surry Central High School
(336) 386-8842
Stephen Bruner
Social Studies and Athletic Director
Surry Central High School
Jonathan Carpenter
21st Century Administrator
Surry Central High School
(336) 386-8842
Dena Cave
CTE Health Science and HOSA Advisor
Surry Central High School
(336) 386-8842
Kelsea Coalson
Social Studies and Yearbook Advisor
Surry Central High School
(336) 386-8842
Miranda Cockerham
Surry Central High School
(336) 386-8842
Robin Dollyhigh
Food and Nutrition Staff
Surry Central High School
(336) 386-8842