The Surry County Board of Education will accept sealed bids for the leasing of

approximately 14.54 acres of crop land (consisting of a 5.43-acre parcel and a 9.11-

acre parcel) located within the boundary of Meadowview Magnet Middle School, 1282

McKinney Road, Mount Airy, NC. The subject agricultural property is identified by the

United States Department of Agriculture as Farm 11908 and Tract 29202 for the 2024

Program Year.

The term of the lease will be five (5) years beginning ___________________. The

Board of Education may terminate the lease at any time by providing _________ days

prior written notice. The minimum bid is $____________ per acre annually.

Sealed bids must be delivered to the Administrative Offices of the Surry County

Schools, 209 North Crutchfield Street, Dobson, NC 27017 not later than 4:00 p.m. on

__________, 2024 at which time they will be opened publicly. The Board of Education

reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject any and all bids. For further

information, contact Doug Dixon, Director of Maintenance, Surry County Schools, 209

North Crutchfield Street, Dobson, NC 27017; Tel. (336) 386-8381; Email: