Scholarship, Award Facilitation
The Carrie Elmore Award
For her senior graduation project in 2011, Courtney Scott established The Carrie Elmore Award. Courtney’s cousin, Carrie Elmore, was a student at Central Middle School. She passed away in October 2012, at eleven years old, after battling Ewing Sarcoma since the age of five. The Carrie Elmore Award consists of $500.00 to help grant the wish of a K-8 Surry County Schools’ child who has a chronic or terminal illness.
The Nathan Turner Award
Recently established with the SCSEF, the Nathan Turner Award honors Nathan Turner who passed away in August 2021 while he was a student at the Surry Early College High School. The award consists of $250.00 to help "grant the wish" of a child at Copeland Elem, Central Middle, or Surry Early College High with a chronic or terminal illness.
The Anne Gore Memorial Scholarship
The Anne Gore Memorial Scholarship honors Anne Gore, the first Nutrition Supervisor for Surry County Schools (1998). Among other important initiatives, she helped create quality recipes and built a solid foundation for the SCS School Nutrition Program. Anne was instrumental in forming the local School Nutrition Association Chapter and chaired many committees on the local and state level. She served as District Director and State Treasurer of the American School Nutrition Association.
Anne loved the students and staff that she served throughout her forty-year career. She would be overjoyed to know that the Anne Gore Culinary Arts Scholarship Fund has been established in her honor. This fund will help students who share Anne’s love for the culinary profession pursue their dreams.
The Ezra Goldbach Foundation Scholarship Award
The Ezra Goldbach Foundation Scholarship Award is an annual award for high school seniors who are on the school's golf team. Students do not need to pursue golf after high school in order to apply or be chosen for this award. Students must be going to a 2 or 4 year college or university after high school.