Remote Learning Days
When school is closed due to an inclement weather event, Surry County Schools has the option to use a Remote Learning Day. The school system may use up to five (5) Remote Learning Days during the 2023-2024 school year. What does that mean for your family?
Elementary students will have activities to do at home that will involve review and practice of skills. Middle School and High School students will work within the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) continuing their coursework or utilize printed packets sent home by their teachers.
Students are able to access Google products (Google Doc, Google Spreadsheet, Google Presentation) by enabling the “Make Available offline” feature. Any work they do will upload when they have WIFI again.
If power goes out or there is no internet, there are paper and pencil-based activities to support learning. Elementary students will receive paper-based ChoiceBoards
When your child needs enrichment, please allow him or her to self-direct their learning by creating a project for enhanced learning based on interests and talents.
Listen to our local news resources or download the Surry County Schools app to get up-to-date information on Remote Learning Day-School is closed announcements.