History of Surry County Schools
History is part of the Surry County School System’s culture. Thousands of students have graduated prepared for a future of success – whether it was to further their education, to join the workforce, or to join the armed services. Hundreds more have given of themselves to help these students learn, to keep them safe, and to prepare nutritious meals throughout the years.
The first recorded minutes of the Surry County School System are from July 1885. Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, Surry County Schools celebrated a quality public educational system nestled in the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains serving approximately 7,700 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through twelve.
Here are a few interesting facts from our history……..
The first recorded transportation provided in the school district was in 1921 in the back of a Ford pickup truck in the Shoals area of the county.
The first Superintendent was Reverend Llewellyn who was also the local preacher at Dobson Baptist Church. The Superintendent’s salary was established in August 1885 at $2.25 per day for services.
Around 1900, there were a total of 90 schools in the school district – 76 white and 14 colored. Most schools housed less than 65 students. Schools with more than 65 students had school for four months and schools with fewer than 65 students had school for three months per year.
The first recorded minutes of the Surry County School District are dated July 6, 1885. The Rev. H. Thompson was elected Chairman. School Board meetings were held quarterly in the Surry County Courthouse.
In the late 1800’s, teachers’ salaries ranged from $12 to $25 per month depending on the grade they taught. They could earn $1 more per month for taking census of students in their community.
The Surry County School System celebrates pride in the past, promise for the present, and purpose for the future.