Career and Technical Education

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The mission of Career and Technical Education in Surry County Schools (SCS) is to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a globally competitive 21st Century.

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2023 2024 career catalog

Click here to view the 2024-2025 Career & College Ready Catalog

At Surry County Schools, we’re thinking differently about the high school experience — and we want you to as well. Be bold. Think about the kinds of learning experiences you can have with a schedule that’s flexible. Picture internships. Apprenticeships. Dual-enrollment college courses. And hands-on, experiential learning. Build a house. Produce websites and videos. Create a business, become a chef, or work the farm — it’s your call! We’ll help you create the program that gets you up in the morning, ready to learn and grow.

Whether you’re heading to college or directly into the workforce, you’ll have our guidance the whole way through. We’ll be your teachers, your mentors, your cheerleaders. We’ll make sure you’re inspired by what you’re learning, how you’re learning it, and why it matters. You’ve got many talents and abilities, and we’ve got the opportunities to discover them. Flip through this book and start imagining what high school can be like — then let’s design your path together.

  Mr. L. Neil Atkins

Director of Accountability and CTE

  Mr. L. Neil Atkins            
   P.O. Box 364, 419 N. Main Street
   Dobson 27017
   336/356-2042 (fax)