Canvas for Parents

canvas logo

Canvas is Surry County Schools' official Learning Management System (LMS).  Our district uses this platform to provide a consistent platform for our students and families.  Canvas replaces our former LMS, Haiku/PowerSchool Learning.  With Canvas, parents can act as Observers of their child's account, keeping up-to-date their grades, class activities, assignments, class/school announcements, and can communicate directly with their child's teacher(s).

This Canvas Guide for Parents [Spanish Version] will walk you through the steps needed to connect to your child's Canvas account. 

Canvas Overview for Parents

Get the Canvas Parent App

The Canvas Parent app allows parents the freedom to stay up-to-date with the child's learning on their favorite mobile device.  Once you've set up your account [Spanish Version], download the app for your device using one of the links below:

app store


Setting Up The Canvas Parent App 

Want to Edit Your Notification Settings?

To change your notification settings, you'll need to log into your account via a web browser.

1. Go to - and log in with your email address and password.

2. Once you are logged in, click on Account (upper left) and then Notifications.

3. From this screen, you can adjust where you receive notifications and how often you receive them.