
Welcome to White Plains Elementary School!

We are proud to be Plainsmen Stars!

Safety first, Think before you act, Always do your best, Respect yourself and others, Stay focused

We are located at 710 Cadle Ford Road between Mount Airy and Dobson.  We have 330 wonderful students in grades Pre-K through 5th grade and a dedicated faculty and staff!  Our mission is to teach children to read so they will have the opportunity to meet academic success in school as well as develop skills to become productive and caring citizens of the community and world.

Lori Gammons, Principal

Mrs. Lori Gammons


School Pledge

White plains elementary school logo

I pledge today to use my stars
They're always close and never far

I'll stay focused that is true
I need to and so do you
I will think before I act
I'll do my best and that's a fact
I'll respect myself and others too
Safety first for me and you