2024 SCS Gives Annual Employee Campaign
Benefitting the Surry County Schools Educational Foundation & the United Fund of Surry
During the 2023-24 school year, SCS students and teachers benefited from SCS Educational Foundation funds:
School Allotments, $16,556.96
Enhanced Learning Mini-Grants, $11,889.43
Transportation Allotment, $10,521.04
2024 SCS Summer Ignite Camp, $15,000
STEMmersion Program, $3,875.00
Other school year 2023-2024 support:
Band4Kids (Officer Boone) instrument repair supplies, $2,000
HOSA National Conference registration fees, $2,940
SCHS Life Skills Kaledium trip tickets, $63
Restaurant night organization, Leader of the Month sponsorships, GROW Strong Team sponsorships, School Supply drives, Fresh Feet program
Your gift now will help plan for more valuable student learning experiences during this school year.
The goal this year is to raise at least $5 for every student in the SCS system.
There are many ways to give:
Set-up SCS employee payroll deduction for this year on a Google form here.
Give online by credit card here.
Give by cash or check by completing this form and send to Ashley Mills at the Central Office.
PayPal, or Venmo @SCSEF209
The United Fund of Surry serves the needs of people in Surry County through member agencies. You can give to the United Fund of Surry by:
online donation here
for SCS payroll deductions, cash, or check donations, please fill out this United Fund of Surry donation form and give to your school representative or send to Ashley Mills at the Central Office
Thank you for your support of Surry County Schools students and teachers.
I appreciate you and your dedication to education.
-Ashley H. Mills
Managing Director, SCSEF