
Franklin Elementary School Bulldog Logo

Franklin Elementary - Home of the Bulldogs!

We follow P.A.W.S. -

P - Practice Respect
A - Act Responsibly
W - Willing to Cooperate
S - Stay Safe

We are located at 519 South Franklin Road in Mount Airy, North Carolina.

We proudly serve students in grades Pre-K through 5th.

Our school mission and belief is "Empowering students to learn today and lead tomorrow."

School Information

Students are allowed to enter the building at 7:25. All students can receive FREE breakfast from 7:30-8:00.  Our instructional day begins 7:45 and students are tardy at 8:00.  School dismisses at  3:00 p.m., parents in the car line should remain in the cars and staff will assist with loading students into cars.

Teachers are available to take your phone calls after 3 p.m. 
You can also call the receptionist and ask the teacher to call you during his/her planning time.

Students absolutely love for their parents to each lunch with them! Please come, check in through the office, and eat with your child as often as possible. We would also like to have you volunteer in our school. Just contact your child's teacher or the principal.

Parent Engagement Plan

Franklin Elementary School personnel know that students achieve more when the school and families work together to support learning.  Our school staff strives to create an environment where parents feel welcome to communicate and participate.  There are many opportunities available throughout the year in which parents can help to promote successful educational experiences for children. 

The following provides an overview of the activities and opportunities that will be coming up this school year.

A collage of parents and students from Franklin Elementary